Hello! Completely new! Looking for advice on the hobby.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Gaur'oth, Aug 8, 2021.

  1. Gaur'oth
    Jungle Swarm

    Gaur'oth New Member

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    First off, hi! I am brand new to the hobby and I have been wondering for about a week where to start with anything. I was introduced to Warhammer in general by little exposure to 40K over the years from my friends (space marines are cool but never my cup of tea) and only became aware of Fantasy through the Vermintide and the Total War games. Long story short I passively played the dwarfs in those games with friends until I decided to try something new and I saw there were dinosaur people. HOLY **** I LOVE THESE GUYS! Anyway, I recently had a desire to collect the minis and to have a hobby to share with my wife (she likes painting and dinosaurs as well so it's a win win).

    Are there any bits of etiquette I should be aware of when it comes to building an army? Is naming your characters acceptable? Are model mashes frowned upon? Are placeholders okay? I kinda want to play at a local hobby shop but I'm afraid to be a total cringefest in front of veterans.

    I hope this didn't come off as the insane ramblings of a mad man, I honestly want to put my best foot forward with this and not anger the Old Ones in the process. :eek:
    Thanks for your time, I'm Gaur'oth and this has been my Ted Talk.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria!

    You should know your Age of Sigmar (old Warhammer Fantasy Battles isn't played at most stores anymore) rules decently (from the General's Handbook) and have the Seraphon Battletome so you have your warscrolls ready.
    Also if you are playing at a GW store your models should mostly consist of GW parts.

    Sure! But don't be sad if you play against someone who isnt interested in the names, just what kind of model he is looking at.

    Usually not, unless they are completely unrecognizable or mostly consisting of non-GW bits. Or fall apart (which slows the game down). So don't overdo magnetizing for example.

    Yes, as long as the base sizes fit, and the model stays recognizable. So please don't play a Skink model as a Dread Saurian or a normal Skink as a Skink Priest or a Salamander as a Slann.

    If you are using other weapon options than the models actually show you should make that clear before the game and most people should be fine with it. For example Saurus Knights with lances but you built them with hand weapons.
    Noxolotl, Imrahil and Gaur'oth like this.
  3. Gaur'oth
    Jungle Swarm

    Gaur'oth New Member

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    Thank you for the info Aginor!

    The shop I am looking at runs both Fantasy 8th (on rare occasions that is) and AoS, would it be better to fully dedicate myself to one over another? I know most models are cross compatible but the games are so different from what I've read/watched. (rank and file vs loose formations ect.)

    I will be the big sad. Game ruined forever.

    I'd mainly just want to change out weapons on some characters to add flair and variation, magnets seem like a fine idea but then I think about all the small parts I'd have to keep track of and kids + cats don't mix well with keeping things from getting lost. :D

    Even me being a new member of the community wouldn't think of doing that! I don't have a whole lot of disposable income so I was actually thinking more along the lines of what you said about the Saurus Knights and you answered that already! I'm looking at both the Saurus and Skink Start Collecting boxes on GW's site and was wondering if I could get away with that certain situation until I could build up a whole roster to choose from with correct weapons/models, or have a Scar Vet take the place of an Old Blood and vise versa.
    Noxolotl and Lizards of Renown like this.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Welcome to Jurassic Park!

    And incidentally a whole BUNCH of people who think "HOLY **** I LOVE THESE GUYS" :)

    I can't help you with the AoS thing, but make sure you take a good look around the forum as there are lots of hidden gems.

    Imrahil and Gaur'oth like this.
  5. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Welcome along!

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Gaur'oth likes this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria!
    it's good that people still play 8th edition there, but the fact is: old players can still play it out of nostalgia and (mostly) the fact they like more ranks and files. With AoS you will have much more possibilities of playing games, given that it's a supported system.

    However, "The Old World" gaming system (which will come sooner or later) could push back the rank and files approach as "supported game system", so it's really going to be a personal preference.
  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Agree, it is hard to tell how successful The Old World will be.
    And 8th Edition stuff can be harder to come by.

    I'd probably advise to go for AoS for now if you don't mind round bases and have people to play with.
    But either system is fine, and if you don't get too serious (official GW tournaments or so) you can usually find people who will play AoS with square bases. You should probably ask at your hobby store.
    Imrahil and Gaur'oth like this.
  8. Geedo-Ra

    Geedo-Ra Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to the hobby dude! Picking Seraphon for the dinosaurs is why we're all here. Dinosaurs rock!

    Etiquette is usually dependant on who you play; friends usually are the most lenient, and it gets less and less as you play in store/tournaments/etc.

    Naming characters and model mashes (called Kitbashing) are perfectly fine. In fact, most of the armies I play are kitbashed, as I hate having mirror image battles or the same model as thousands of other people. Naming your characters gives them personality and a bit more attachment to your army too; my profile is named after my own personal Oldblood/General :)

    Most people in shop are pretty cool and open to helping you learn/what to buy provided you just ask!

    Enjoy Lustria! I've only been here a short time but everyone seems super chill.
  9. 2Hands

    2Hands Member

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    Hey welcome, if you have some Kitbashing skills you should dive into this goldmine of a thread, where you can learn to build a small army out of one Start Collecting Box. ;)

    See ya around Lustria!
  10. OliviaBond
    Jungle Swarm

    OliviaBond New Member

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    Welcome aboard! I'm also new here c:
    Gaur'oth and Lizards of Renown like this.
  11. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Then welcome aboard to you too! :)
    Gaur'oth likes this.
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Well, welcome to Jurassic Park as well! :)

    Do your own introductory thread!
    Gaur'oth likes this.

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