Start Collecting Skinks - done!

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by iamtib, Sep 7, 2021.

  1. iamtib

    iamtib Active Member

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    Obviously when you want to start collecting an army... you pick a "start collecting" box right ?! The Skink one caught my eye because I wanted to get some of them for a Warcry warband and it had a lot of things : skinks, terradon, the option to get a terradon chief, some sort of leader.

    So here I was with the huge box in my hands at the start of my adventure in Lustria !


    Now some context: I am a hobbyist before being a gamer. That means that I always paint all the contents of the boxes I have before buying new ones. Or at least the VAST majority of it. So i have a very limited "pile of shame" :) And yep this one is no exception. Paint everything! (minus 2 skinks because you can only field 10)

    A few weeks (read months) later, I am very proud to show you the start of my Seraphon army







    The models are beautiful. It was a pleasure to paint, truly. My favourite of the bunch are the terradon riders. I have the impression that they're not really played in the lists that I see around but I really wanted to paint them nevertheless and give them the paintjob they deserved :

    Because this box was also built with Warcry in mind, I also wanted to have some option and the Terradon Chief is a good fighter in this game so I painted two riders and with a intricate system of pins, I can swamp between the Alpha and the Chief.

    Building the chief, I learned about the awesome story of Tiktaq'to, Eye in the Heavens, the Master of Skies, hero of Hexoatl, wielder of the Blade of Ancient Skies (love all the titles!) which this model was supposed to be in the old world.

    Hope you guys like them!
    I am very happy to have completed this box and had so much fun painting them. Yes the regular skinks models are old but with a decent paintjob, they look very good and do not feel out of place, far from it!

    I can't wait getting more on the table! Everything is painted with brushes, if you want to know how I painted them, do not hesistate to ask, I'll gladly share everything I can with you.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Amazing work, very crisp and great contrasts.
    Looking forward to more of your work. :)
  3. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    That's a fantastic looking little army. Great job! :)
    iamtib likes this.
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    This is an amazing army, what a great standard of painting do you have got!!!

    The colors look really good together and they pop real nice.
    I very much love to see more of your work.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    iamtib likes this.
  5. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    That is one jaw-dropping army. Beautifully painted with crisp details and very nice color choices. The bases are excellent as well.
    iamtib likes this.
  6. iamtib

    iamtib Active Member

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    Thank you so much guys for the kind words! Means a lot! Definitely want to get more Seraphons. I heard big monsters are good right now, I'm strongly considering adding an Engine of the Gods to this force
  7. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Do you mind if I ask you what colors/paints you used? I really like your color schemes for each of the units.
    Noxolotl and Imrahil like this.
  8. iamtib

    iamtib Active Member

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    Oh wow this is going to be a long one so .. brace yourself!

    For the Skinks:
    • Prime them Chaos Black. Basecoat Caliban Green + Kantor Blue. Then on the arms, legs and upper part of the body, blend pure Kantor Blue. Then it's a matter of blending successive tones of turquoise on each muscle, elbow, thigh. First with Kantor Blue + Blue Green (Vallejo but Ahriman Blue is quite the same), then Blue Green alone, then Blue Green + Gauss Blaster Green and Gauss Blaster Green alone. That should make your blue skin for the skinks.
    • For the hands and head, from the Kantor Blue coat, blend a mix of Blue Green + Sybarite Green. Then Pure Sybarite Green and on the fingers + the "nose" part of the face, blend Sybarite Green + Ivory (Vallejo).
    • Their sort of "fin" on the head is done with Hexed Lichen (Vallejo) and highlighted with Warlord Purple (Vallejo).
    • Scales are basecoated with Caliban Green, then highlight the upper part with Warpstone Glow, add a dot of Moot Green at the top and edge highlight with Warpstone Glow + Ivory and then dot highlight with even more Ivory in the mix.
    • Star Bluckers are the same as the scale but go heavier on the Moot Green

    Terradons :
    • Basecoat them with Incubi Darkness then blend some Kabalite Green on the wings and then light Sotek Green
    • The lower part of the body is "tone shifted" with Plaguebearer Flesh Contrast paint and then highlighted with Sybarite green
    • Upper body, mix some Blue Green to the Incubi Darkness to highlight it
    • Now, on the wings, trace wavy lines in black.
    • With an old brush, stipple some Khorne Red on the Terradon face, and tips of the wings. Do the same with Mephiston Red for colour variation.
    • Then highlight the edges with Blue Green. Then add Gauss Blaster Green and highlight 2/3 of the wave, and then add Ivory and highlight 1/3 of the wave.

    Bastiladon :
    • The body is primed with Zandri Dust, and a coat of Skeleton Horde Contrast Paint and drybrush of Pale Sand (Vallejo)
    • The scales are Caliban Green with multiple drybrushes of lighter tones of green.
    • I then trace the gaps between the scales with Black Templar.
    • Then with heavily diluted Moot Green, I do some erratic patterns on the tips of the lower scales, and add more and more Yriel Yellow to the mix doing smaller and smaller dots.

    Gold :
    • I don't paint gold the typical GW way because I don't like Reikland Fleshade at all.
    • I wanted a very bright gold reminiscent of "Eldorado"
    • So Basecoat everything with Retributor Gold (best gold I found so far) - where you can, do sub-assemblies to prime it with the GW spray can. It really helps having smooth surfaces, like on the device on top of the Bastiladon.
    • Then, and that's the trick, wash it with Cassandora Yellow.
    • Then highlight with Retributor Gold + Ironbreaker.
    • Add more and more Ironbreaker to highlights parts that are facing up.
    • Edge highlight with Stormhost silver.

    I varnish all my models with Munitorum varnish. And then for the Gold parts, I give them a coat of roughly 2:1 mix of clean water + Ardcoat to bring back the shine.

    That's it I guess!
  9. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    That's very descriptive and helpful. Thank you!
  10. iamtib

    iamtib Active Member

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    You're very much welcome. It takes a while going through all these steps for the skinks but I think they look very nice this way!
  11. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    Excellent work, I really like the color scheme for your skinks. The patterns on your bastiladon and terradons are really cool as well. And great job with the feathers on the starpriest!
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Amazing! Really frickin’ good!
  13. BigDinosaur

    BigDinosaur Active Member

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    They look sick man. Inspirational.
    Just got my box 2 days ago, will go through it after my Slann.

    How did you do the terradon wings? how did you mask them?

    Also does the box come with material for 4 riders? (given you can swap the leader)
    Noxolotl likes this.
  14. iamtib

    iamtib Active Member

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    Cheers! The box is a really good deal. Takes a while to paint because there are skinks everywhere: riding the terradons, on the Bastiladon. But It's a very cool boxset!

    I did not mask them, the waving patterns are freehand. There a quick tuto on the Warhammer YouTube channel. I just took it a bit further. Check the post above, I went through all the colours I used.

    Yes it does! The kit lets you build tons of options (not all of them are presented in the instructions that come with the box though). But there are 4 riders and 3 terradons. You'll have to be creative to swap riders because they are tiny. I drilled holes in the terradon and glued pins in the legs of the two riders I want to swap to you can "insert" them in the terradon body and have both options.

    Only thing is, terradon riders units are 3 men. So if you want to play the chief, you cannot run the 2 that are left. But I use the chief in Warcry and the 3 man unit in AoS.
  15. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Beautifully painted! I really like the wings :artist::artist::artist:
  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    and rightfully so!

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