8th Ed. Ancient Steg Giant Blowpipes modifiers

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Uberdavid, Feb 25, 2023.

  1. Uberdavid
    Jungle Swarm

    Uberdavid New Member

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    The more I read about the question the more confused I got. I am unsure as to which modifiers count for the giant blowpipes and which don't. The main thing I'm unsure about is the -1 from the multiple shots (2d6) special rule. I've read in this forum that since it's not the same rule as in the basic rulebook it doesn't count or something. The other is move and shoot, since it has howdah crew, so it might not count.

    Thank you in advance <3
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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  3. Karnus

    Karnus Well-Known Member

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    After getting my books out I can’t see anything about the howdah crew negating any effects from shooting, it just allows you to shoot and move. So you still take a further -1 from moving, -1 from multiple shots and -1 from long range (if applicable).

    As far as I am aware this will apply to the great bow as well (multiple shots don’t apply so always looking at 6’s in a worst case scenario if you have moved + long range).

    With blowpipes in most cases you are looking at 7’s to hit which also means no poison.

    I really don’t like the blowpipes for this reason, even with 4D6 total shots at strength 4 and 18” max range (anything less than this you should be looking to charge rather than shoot anyway!) you are barely scratching most units.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2023

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