8th Ed. Bastiladon, possibly my favourite unit ever.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Enkill3, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I'd guess Oldblood general, Scar-Vet BSB would be pretty solid. You could place the general in a Temple Guard unit to boost his Leadership to 9 with the Standard of Discipline, and have the BSB in a Saurus Warrior block nearby.
  2. DivineVisitor
    Jungle Swarm

    DivineVisitor New Member

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    Interesting list, i take it Tetto's re-roll 1's/6's wouldn't work on the Solar Engines though? Am i right in thinking it only mentions Wizards (dont have book handy)?

    If it does effect them i may need to really think about running Tetto!
  3. sirkently
    Cold One

    sirkently Member

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    It does affect only wizards.
  4. Drmooreflava

    Drmooreflava New Member

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  5. Andrinor

    Andrinor Member

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    Getting back to the thread topic:

    I ran a Solar Engine over the weekend and was very pleased with the results. The game was over by turn 4 and I had him in combat for a turn so I only attempted the bound spell twice. It went off once on one die and I rolled a 6 on the table but my opponent rolled out his ward saves well on his Plaguebearers so it only killed 2 or 3.

    I keep on seeing negative comments regarding the Bastiladon but they don't seem to take into account the fact that the thing only costs 75 ss. It fits the theme of most lizardmen monsters, which all seem to have things to do in multiple phases or at least be decent in multiple game phases. In combat he went up against a herald who only whiffed on him because of that 2+.

    I really like them and see myself running one in most of my lists. At only 75 ss, the bastiladon can almost be considered monster level chaff and when he dies it really isn't a big deal. If my oppoennt wants to focus on him rather than my stegs/krox/coc/carno, more power to him.
  6. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    [quote="Andrinor"I really like them and see myself running one in most of my lists. At only 75 ss, the bastiladon can almost be considered monster level chaff and when he dies it really isn't a big deal. If my oppoennt wants to focus on him rather than my stegs/krox/coc/carno, more power to him.[/quote]

    This is the 'feature' I also really like about the Bastiladon. He's pretty darn cheap, so if you opponent puts any work into killing it; fine! If your opponent doesn't have cannons, he's actually pretty tough too. Lots of random stuff just bounces off, or doesn't do enough to kill it. Which is very nice. If it was just stubborn....or with a higher Ld!

    And indeed, the Bastiladon is active in multiple phases. And like I said before: is the perfect 'guardian' for a lone Slann.

    I was first going to buy a stegadon-kit, but now I'm not so sure. The EotG is good, but is it good enough?
    Some playtesting will have to work that out. Proxy it is!

    The Hunted
  7. skerbgs
    Jungle Swarm

    skerbgs New Member

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    I've yet to play with the new lizards, but I'm really liking the concept of the Bastiladon with Solar Engine, or 'Venusaur' (come on, you were all thinking it, you just didn't want to admit it!).
  8. Natural 20

    Natural 20 Member

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    Anyone who dismisses the Bastiladon fell for it.........He's awesome I've used him in every game I've played so far and he's come through for me everytime! It's a great set up every magic phase I throw one dice at his solar beam I usually get it my opponent is forced into the choice of wasting dice or letting it go it's usually the latter. Then I roll and usually get 3 to 5 average and boom beam it's great for clearing chaff taking some weight off my skinks and good putting some wounds on the odd unit here and there. I personally love the Basti hes a mainstay in my lists for sure! Oh not to mention he's a HUGE help with dealing with pesky Hydras and Hellpits as his flaming beam certainly puts some wounds on.

    Infact had a game a week ago opponent was Skaven who of course brought a hellpit fired my beam rolled a 5 managed 4 wounds on it then in the shooting phase I shot some fire bolas got one wound through and finished it off with poison shots from my skinks took 1 turn :D I was pleased my opponent not so much :/
  9. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    I love those moments.
    Played a friend once who send his K'dai destroyer heads on for my lines
    ...he was met by 2*20 skink skirmishers...who got at close range in my turn

    ...thats 80 shots with multishots
    ..thats 13poisonshots at average...I scored 18
    .....turn one dead K'dai ..check..

    .... something else.

    have people tried out the snakebucket yet?
    Ark of Sotek is pretty much designed for the bastiladon to
    walk up,
    turn its arse at the enemy to lift its tail ready
    then spit out snakes ..........thailand kinda stuff.

    ..anyway..is the shooting any good? does it work with swarms?
  10. Spiney Norman

    Spiney Norman New Member

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    I think that my opponent will take pause before risking breaking the concentration of his L4 by dispelling a spell with one dice. If that L4 rolls 1-2 he can't be used to dispel all the other spells that my Slann is going to hit him with, and for me that is definitely worth tossing a single power dice on.
  11. rothgar13

    rothgar13 New Member

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    If he tries to dispel with his L4, he's just not up to speed with how the Magic phase works. I'd have a backup caster (or the army itself) try that dispel roll.
  12. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Right; but if its a back up caster doing it, and he fails, then he can't use the dispel scroll he's undoubtedly carrying. So he still probably has to roll 2 dice. Same is true for an army dispel.
  13. rothgar13

    rothgar13 New Member

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    And wouldn't you say that gambling with an army dispel on 2 dice (which should only really come into play if a 5+ is rolled on the Bound Spell), or a dispel with a scroll caddy is less risky than throwing your L4 out there in this case? Because I would.
  14. dokushin

    dokushin New Member

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    Drawing out two dispel dice with one power die will make a huge difference in a magic phase. Remember there are always fewer dispel dice to begin with.
  15. Mahtis
    Cold One

    Mahtis New Member

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    And remember that if the enemy uses only one it's still a win for us! It's better to have 7 power dice when opponent has 3 dispel dice instead of 8 PD and 4 DD, or 11 PD and 5 DD instead of 12 PD and 6DD
  16. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Max dice scenario:

    You have 12 PD
    He have 6 PD

    you throw 1 PD
    66.66% chance of succeeding the roll
    1 PD equal to 8.33% of your entire dice pool

    he throws 1DD
    X% chance of dispelling your roll, "X" depending on what you roll and if he uses a wizards lvl.
    but will always have at least 33.33% of failure.

    1PD equal to 16.66% of his entire dice pool (counting for 100% more than your 1PD)
    A Wizards dispel lvl for that phase

    if he throws two to make sure it counts as 33.33% of his pool to get rid of 8.33% of your pool

    Medium Dice Scenario

    You have 6 PD
    He have 5 PD

    you throw 1 PD equal to
    66.66% chance of succeeding the roll
    1 PD equal to 16.66% of your entire dice pool

    he throws 1DD
    X% chance of dispelling your roll, "X" depending on what you roll and if he uses a wizards lvl.
    but will always have at least 33.33% of failure.

    1PD equal to 20% of his entire dice pool (counting for 3.44% more than your 1PD)
    A Wizards dispel lvl

    if he throws two to make sure thats 40% of his pool to get rid of 16.33% of your pool

    Low Roll

    You have 2 PD
    He have 1 PD

    you throw 1 PD equal to
    66.66% chance of succeeding the roll
    1 PD equal to 50% of your entire dice pool

    he throws 1DD
    X% chance of dispelling your roll, "X" depending on what you roll and if he uses a wizards lvl.
    but will always have at least 33.33% of failure.

    1PD equal to 100% of his entire dice pool (counting for 50% more than your 1PD)
    A Wizards dispel lvl

    if he throws two to .....oh wait...he cant.

    Please remember that Harmonic Convergence + Channeling Staff further increases these % in our favor. as the Slann can channel as though he was 3 wizards, also: he does so double as effective with the staff.

    add a Skink priest or two...maybe even a Troglodon with channel(JUST SAYING!) the odds get even better.

    I can actually see a scenario were you can channel enough to fire the thing...maybe even two (im trying this out in my next battle) because your opponent cant afford to dispel them due to the threat of the Slann with too many dice.
  17. Draxack

    Draxack New Member

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    I would think the Solardon would also be useful
    for dealing with armies with a high model count
    such as skaven.

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