Topic #25 - Top Ten Movie and TV Show Locations It's been a while has it not? This time around we're looking for your favourite places/locations...
[ATTACH] @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl : isn't this from that Asterix cartoon that you like?
[ATTACH] @Bowser 's cats.
As the expression goes: "death by chocolate".
As we all know, @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl is not the biggest fan of the Vampires. Looks like GW's excessive focus on the bloodsuckers has netted...
Look on the bright side, it could have been Vampire Counts for TOW (but no other hope for additional armies... just the VC). Then you'd be really...
I have played a few (much more since I have my PS Plus extra game library with hundreds of "free" games), but not nearly so many. As for...