Drakk approaches Linus before reaching out to shake his hand. "Hello Linus, currently two of our group are in Kithmali trying to hire some...
After the ghosts warning, the group discussed amongst themselves whether to press forward. The verdict was to wait until after the hit some shops...
Drakk walks over and shakes their hands before saying "Of course! Thank you for your help, I'm sure we can arrange a ride soon. I will make sure...
Drakk organizes all of the items into groups and explains what each does before asking whether he could have a torc and a ring.
Drakk pauses his map making duties to cast detect magic and rummage through the pile the had amassed, after he seperates out the magic from the...
It's on PC, I got my copy through Steam.
It's a game you can get that simulates a virtual tabletop (has physics and such) you can use it (with mods) to play AOS online (and alot of other...
Drakk looks excitedly at their new home! When he signed up for the crew on the Moonsister, he had never expected going to space, much less...
Drakk approaches Linus and says "It was great to meet you Sir, and don't worry, we will take good care of the fortress and keep any pesky Scro...
Drakk looks quizzically and says "Maybe we should wait for him to return? I would very much like to speak with him again."
Drakk steps forward and says "I am sorry we are intruding, we thought the only residents of this island were the Scro. What is your name good...
Iä Iä Cthulhu FHTAGN!
Drakk sat in his room trying to concentrate on regaining his spells. Calabash stood perched on his shoulder and began to yawn as he laid down to...
Drakk ponders Ultezesh's words before saying "Thank you for the information, I will be sure to let the port authorities know that you were...
"what is the layout of the Scro fortress? Does it have any defenses? Are there other ships away from the docks we should know about? Are there...
"Thank you for the info... Uncle... Anyways, who do you work for? And what were you building?"
Drakk glares at Ultezesh angrily before calming himself down to ask "Who is By'reshel? Can you give me some more information, and might I add...
Drakk approaches the Half Dragon, motioning Izema to follow. Izema roughly yanks off the gag and holds the Half Dragons head to the sky so he...
Drakk noticed just how deep his pits he made were and kinda pitied the goblins and orcs. Nonetheless he was quickly reminded of their predicament...
Drakk was really having fun with his newfound spell. The look on the enemies face as they fell in was priceless! Seeing a hobgoblin and a Scro...