Drakk approaches Ulathami in greeting and takes the scroll before thanking her for her time. Heading inside his quarters, he sits down at the...
Drakk looks up from his work confusedly before walking out on the deck to take a look at the visitor, staff in hand.
Drakk went back to the ship with a sigh. He had really wanted to explore Kithmali, but duty called and Shiro needed his gem. He began to work on...
Drakk looks at Ohmen a bit annoyed but quickly tells the Dockmaster the one she pointed to would cost about 55gp.
"We are currently in search of work! And have a shipment of gems to sell in town. We are very interested in trying to gather further information...
Drakk walks out of the helm room as they land and approaches the Dockmaster. Offering his hand in greeting he says "Greetings! My name is Drakk...
Drakk shook everyone's hand before saying "Finally! Now we can depart for Tayrik! Ohmen you can take the first shift on the helm, let me help you...
So sorry for delay to your question. I found this file, looks like a bit of a better scuplt for shield dwarf model I used....
I just got back from my vacation yesterday where I hardly had signal, hence why I havent been that active for the past week. But I was pleasantly...
Drakk looks to Bigbang and Drew and holds out the charter for them to sign. Drakk wished Bigbang would write his name but he figured if need be...
Drakk addresses Ohmens addendums before asking everyone if his new wordings would work for them. (For reference) Charter of Service for Maxim 37...
Drakk listened to Eugene intently before saying "Would you happen to have an extra map for us to get to Tayrik with? If so we would be very...
Drakk nods to Ohmen before replying "I agree with that. I say we head to Kithmali, we could ask Eugene for directions. Anyways after we decide,...
Drakk pauses for a minute before grabbing his bag at the side of his belt and looking through the gems. Then he looks up and says "I think it...
Drakk sighs and asks the Dockmaster how much they owed, and started calling out for whoever caused the damage, though he already suspected their...
Drakk laughs and claps his hands before saying "I guess it is!". Then Drakk walks off to address the Dockmaster he sees coming their way.
Heading back to ship, Drakk stows his things in the quarters nearest to the helm, which was for him and Ohmen, and made his way to Izema and...
Drakk and Ohmen quickly set to work haggling with them. Drakk leaves most of the talking to Ohmen though as that is his strong suit. After about...
Drakk turns to the shop-keep and asks him how much each gemstone would cost.
Drakk enters the Ore Exchange and asks the shop owner what uncut gems he has for sale.