Sadly I doubt we will know until the book is about to release. Im hoping for some short range mortal wound spam myself.
Im going to have to pre-order everything I want. I got a feeling these new minis will be out of stock for a while as everyone buys them.
Im really starting to think all the finecast are getting remade.
New krox models with updated rules would be so awesome
Yeah Im interested in seeing how big they are in person. A skink is about the size of the average human so these should be much smaller than cold ones
raptor rider skinks look cool. book coming end of summer/beginning of fall
i just want total war style miniatures. Give me that primal brutality all the lizardmen had.
I hope the new book comes with updates to our model range. I just built a couple apex predators for Conquest and they put our carnos to shame in...
Hello! Looks like a great start. I often find that is hard to hold objectives with a lot of big units, so I might recommend splitting one of the...
I wonder if that will still be true this season. The ability for heroes to not be shot is very interesting. Might allow for more drops.
There are some army lists that need to go first, but Seraphon never felt like one to me. I rather have all the artifacts and command points.
I was over 10 drops normally anyways. Bring on Bonds of Battle Battalions.
I already cut endless spells from my lists to pay for the last price hikes. If these rumors are true i guess Ill cut my guard and hope the...
So is this the season of the sunblood?
My biggest fear is that we get a new book and instead of being written by the people who do a good job, we get the B team and they make us garbage...
Its a buff faction, we take cheap crappy warscrolls and stack buffs until they are godlike. Always been seraphon's design, even in the first book....
My suspicion is that Chameleons are going away since they are finecast and Hunters will take their place.
I feel like we will never get 2 wounds due to fear of making coalesced even tougher.
Thank you. Very squishy but at least you get 3 per unit.
Im waiting to see unit size and wounds. It looked like one model on the page I saw. My lists are super tight on points after nerfs. May not be...