I hope we get an update that lets starborn summon terrawings. would be a nice tool.
I tend to keep the starseer close to the big group. With the scar vet a little away but still in 18 to buff the big unit. I try to keep the...
Was thinking about this more and I think you might be able to make double carno work in the right meta without really compromising much....
Depends on list. If I have units I want to buff, scar-vet. If i want a cruise missile to go out and eat things, Old blood,
I still see so many tables wide open with very little cover ala WHFB. AoS isnt 40k, but its closer to 40k than fantasy battles. It needs true los...
Not disagreeing, but most recently KC had a big win. According to BCP Dean Bilz used it to place first at the US Open Chicago. Allegiance:...
Its the typical GW approach to balance. Bad models get cheaper in the hopes that people will take them and good models get pricier in the hopes...
All my lists are 100-150 pts over now. I can no longer afford to take the Krond in any list. Probably wont get to play it again. And then endless...
Was looking at the first place list from Us open chicago and it was a Kotl's claw list with allied Celestant-Prime. I am confused though on why...
We joke a lot, but I think its important to remember that its only this particular army and was a conscious decision made to internally balance...
To be honest thats part of why I love my Sons. Going from Seraphon that hit on 4+ /3+ to Sons that can be buffed to 2+/2+ is amazingly fun. Its...
I thought we were talking about 40k and their craziness? I mean i wouldnt be surprised to see a 4th edition after 2-3 years, GW seems to be...
Usually when an edition is coming to an end GW just goes "*$&@ It" and makes incredibly broken and overpowerd things to push sales and bring...
I wish they would just use the total war assets when making the new models. everything looks so good in that game.
If you look for 1st place seraphon lists on BCP its pretty much all Ridge Hanna lists. They are on fire this year.
Top 3 lists from the Storm of Magic GT lists had Krondspines. Top place was stormcast with dragons and krondspine, while 2nd and 3rd were Sons of...
Testing is always the last thing companies care about.
Yeah it really felt like GW originally wanted coalesced to be saurus and monster focused and starborne to be slann, skink, and sally focused....
Its been my experience that most people kill the guard first and then go for slann after. Its an unfavorable change for the slann, but I do not...
AoS needs some Tyranids type love. An outside faction that does not belong to any of the current powers that threatens them all and aligns with...