so dragons are just as broken as the gw made them sound. probably even more so. they crushed saturdays lgs tournament.
it looks like he almost got max points every round. so id say he was very objective focused. thats a playstyle a lot of aos players just dont get....
This is my current dread list. Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Thunder Lizard - Mortal Realm: Ghyran - Grand Strategy: Beast Master -...
i love it
great looking army. what is that frog with the sword?
the gravesites are such a pain in the butt to deal with.
Its an interesting list they had. Im happy they did well. 5-0 list was this. Got it off BCP: Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Koatl's Claw -...
I cant imagine ever wanting to keep him off the board more than a turn or 2. thats a large amount of points not doing anything. Turn 3 is the...
When they say mawtribes what they mean are stonehorns and ally gargant/kragnos. All that army is now is hard to kill monsters that are -1 to hit...
Most people seem to leave him in reserve buffing his attacks, then deepstrike him down and use his abilities to almost guarantee a charge on an...
do any of his abilities work when he is off the board?
depending on your list you would want to almost always bring 1 unit in coalesced just so you have access to that secondary where you get 2 units...
Also, they made manfred the reason for the end times succeeding.
Best box by far imo is OBR. Couple of those and katakros and you have a pretty competitive list(by obr standards). Katakros, little heroes, double...
Hand of glory and serpents staff on a melee bastiladon is fun. It almost doubled the mortals i got from it.
Sometimes the pendant goes off. I play very objective focused, so im always teleporting my slann around so that I can summon and score objectives....
Went 2-1 in that local tournament yesterday. Got paired against lumineth with a bunch of sentinels in the final round and the scenario was Tooth...
Does anyone have recommendations or advice on how to get back into Kings of War with Salamanders? I haven't played since 1st edition but lately a...
Haha oh dont worry. I second guess myself constantly. Hmm. I keep the slann in the realmscape it would limit my ability to deepstrike but then i...