It's possible for a movie that is not woke to still flop really hard. Because a bad idea is a bad idea. [IMG] [MEDIA]
Because @NIGHTBRINGER is still on vacation. [MEDIA] Disney either can't or won't do this, but I think they need to stop making Marvel movies for...
I heard of a teacher getting in hot water for not playing along with a "cat" in her class. I don't know if its the same kid or not. I hate to...
Tell me her child grew up with a father without telling me the child has no father in his life...
So I've been starting to dip my toe into 40K lore. I'd like to know more about how normies live. I understand that 40K is a grimdark universe...
These are some very advanced level cats. We won't last a month if they get thumbs.
Comparison is the thief of joy. If I have a son some day. He will never be this awesome. :(
I tried very very hard to have AI make a large pot of stew cooking on a fire in a medieval style home. 50 or so attempts. Every picture was...
I didn't go as crazy as I usually do for Worldember. My final word count was 84,040 and I ended up in 11th place by word count. Number ten had...
I believe the original intent of Blizzard was to make a Warhammer 40K video game but they could not reach an agreement with Games Workshop, so...
The firefighters in LA ran out of water in a lot of their hydrants, adequate training, controlled burns, or preemptively clearing leaves and...
That is puts the me in meme
Oi, I would have thought a Bulldog would be fly'in for the RAF mate!
That's 10% creepier than regular claymation
I favor Celsius. It's low calories and tastes...bearable.