The nerdy reference in both the meme and the Tick is that it's a capybera which is a big (mostly harmless) rodent.
This happens to the Tick in Mexico though he was clocked in the head and hallucinated as opposed to taking drugs.
I think so Brain, but where are we going to find a duck and a hose at this hour?
Yoda is old, has pointy ears, and has supernatural powers. He is a Christmas Elf.
The most Netflixy thing that Netflix has ever Netflixed. And with @NIGHTBRINGER on hiatus, its up to me to post Critical Drinker videos here....
[IMG] I got so excited when they said the remake would be more book accurate. Then they got all DEI with it. Oh well. I won't watch anything...
The first short story contest of 2025 will soon be upon upon us. Theme is "A Long Journey", open to many interpretations The Rules -We would...
Problem something in the Avatar universe. [IMG]
They finally updated the leader board, I guess I slipped down a bit ranking wise. [ATTACH] Here are some links to articles I have recently...
Once Alfred told Batman, "Don't take this this wrong way, but your goose is cooked." referring to a literal goose.
I am okay with Gollum... [IMG] Nothing is more offensive than things that are true.
My understanding is that the Death Star 1 had a long recharge on the planet destroying laser and a fairly slow hyperdrive. And the trip between...
I have a goldfish attention span in December, so I didn't announce the next contest yet. Also I didn't realize there was such a high demand for...
I am far from a die-hard Empire player. I am a Lizard player with a secondary Undead army and a tertiary Empire army that I bought on sale...
I am enjoying this channel [MEDIA]
Morpheus Cat approves of this ultimate "If I fitz I sitz"... [IMG]