this is good [IMG] this is very meh [IMG] Saurus Warriors Are Back – And They’re Buffer Than Ever Before - Warhammer Community...
sure. take everything into account such as numbers normally fielded weapon strength gear and vehicles
hunters have replaced chameleons but yeah all the finecast that hasn't been replaced is gone now
the real question is can the storm troopers beat the guard
hmm. i have points but the sight doesn't like them
iykjoijoirua1.png (2388×3140) (
comets call is unchanged salamanders have a second close range shot that scales based on models up to 10 skink priest is gone
the poster is currently fighting mods to get it to us
warriors are at 2 wounds remain at 4+ save both new cave and crox are situational battle line Aggrodons get more attacks the longer they are in...
leaks incoming. raptas 150 points aggros 210
no it's just a consistent pattern.
pretty sure they are there to buff the chargers and get chip damage in. at 20 and rend 2 they do 5ish damage to most screens and thats not...
it does! 4/4 isn't wonderful but it's 20 attacks at rend 2 on a fast unit. Tepok is the god of magic but he is also the god of guile and being...
all star stone weapons have rend 2 and they are all ranged weapons
looks like trade prices, i expect a 20% increase due to looking at the Cerberus heavy tank
Cheaper than I thought they'd be