if it's confirmed then clubs are the best option for now.
it does. clubs are now a very good choice. we are still waiting to see if we get any changes next weak before we diside if warriors are worth it...
This thing is Games Workshop doesn't do one off Heroes, Not without a book. At the very least I can't remember any instance where a army got a...
2 years but yes
new model for LRL so fall book confirmed [IMG]
i would be vary vary surprised if it was. the announcement was that they had just started on it so im not expecting it until at least next year.
that is a lot of pastel
ok sure but thats not a useful roll. anything can clear chaff thats what makes it chaff. that a lot of buffs to invest just to kill screens. or...
it's included in all monsters. in fact you should have it leading the charge due to it's very high durability. as for the realm shaper a 80 point...
well thats a very complicated question and very much depends on what army you are fighting, what terrain is on the board, whether you are playing...
no just what was in the box set
bloody hell. this meens skaven all auto run 6s in master clan. [IMG]
iron heart, strikes first, battle shock immunity, double move in hero phase, double shoot.
what it does is take a bad rule that never should have been and throw it in the bin were it belongs. scaly skin is a bad rule it is either...
that was always the argument againsed coalesced. most of what they do is useless, bravery bombs aren't a thing so cold blooded is still...
our army is a bag of silver bullets most of our stuff is remarkably mediocre but we have the perfect counter to almost everything to make up for...
that would be oppressively powerful. good. mmmm that is going to HURT a lot but it's probably for the best um ok. not realy a problem but fine...
well strike and fade is pretty good. they already had tree teleport but not they have a lot mor flexibility with it. and then a bad heal over all...