Welcome to Jurassic Park! Enjoy your time here! Let us know if you have any questions!
Little bit late, but I just wanted to say that your potential (which you can achieve) is a great deal better than anyone (including you) ever...
Brother, I will remain pure. I am the Galahad of the Sacred Knights.
Wow… That”s English on hard mode…
Awesome meneer!
Fantastic! Welcome Brother, to the Sacred Knights of the Divine Order of the Knights of Eight! In the name of the Dark Father, it is done ;)
These are the ways.
Thanks guys :D Unfortunately, life still being bonkers so will get here whenever I can.
Please remind me in a little bit as I’d like to help.
“666? Pah… Let me show you some REAL evil and chaos…” - Nightbringer Congrats Brother! May your way forward be lit with embers of your burning foes.
This the way, my brother.
It was genius while it lasted my friend.
If only I’d been a Chaos Dwarf… Right @NIGHTBRINGER :D
I couldn’t possibly not comment on this. Your reign continues my friend. You conquer the stars and move on to new universes!
10-4 big guy. You’re still one of the Knights and we’re glad to have you.
+1 Seriously.