He is a Starwarden, whatever that means. Iq-to is his name, and being mundane is his game...
It's one of the build options in the set. Looks like they gave him a javelin instead of the spear that he is equip with on the warscroll. Or is...
That demon prince needs to get smacked about good. If I recall they can be a right nuisance. The knights too are going to be dangerous if they...
I hope the Basti isn't compulsory in a battalion named "Celestial Stampede". Unless they make the Sotek Basti more attractive somehow. I'm not...
You could run DT, you'd just be replacing the relic really. And Kroak having the correct keyword means you can drop off of him, either after a...
That's a framework for a game. Even a format if you extend it to multiple rounds of play. And I suggest you look at the battleplans that are...
When the other entrants become available to read is when the concern and self doubt set in for me.... Being self-critical is easy when you have...
I believe your post is excellent, and a well spent two cents. I actually have a fun list that's going to be centered around two Carnos and a...
That sounds about right with the two catapults and the wall of bone coming down at you. Congrats!
How about all those campaign books and battleplans that are available? Clearly frameworks present and available to all players, and often don't...
Yet they seem to have casual play in mind, using the competitive feedback as a counterweight to their own philosophy. You yourself talked about...
For the ones I've been to, yes, though sometimes they also say you can move terrain already in place to allow it to fit where you may want it.
I need you to explain what the Soul of AoS is and how it's been tarnished by competitive play. The competitive scene shows both the good and bad...
I don't believe so? I believe it's an addition to Coalesced, as it doesn't replace Coalesced. Meaning they get Thunder Lizard standard and then...
@chefofwar yeah, the Realmshaper has placement rules that are pretty wonky for us. Most events I know of don't require faction terrain to be...
I expect them to be capable of playing the game. That's it. Anything else is their own personal expectation of themselves, especially if...
I think it's pretty impactful already, allowing units to jump screens, move over terrain and such, as well as generally benefitting from higher...