I think now that we have rules in hand, all that is needed is the FAQs and Erratas to unit sizes, points, and allegiance stuff. So a big chunk of...
This is incorrect. Rend modifies the dice roll, not the characteristic. Refer to 13.3, step 3. Characteristics could never be less than 0, but...
Not to be that guy already, but Read section 27.3 entirely.
Going back to the point made before. -Tinfoil skullcap- ToW is coming, and the main studio doesn't want people moving away from AoS to that...
Possibility, as all Min and Max unit sizes are listed in Tomes, not on Scrolls. We will just have to wait and see on that front. The first day...
That may be what they want. Look at Gitz. Spiders, Troggoths, and Gobbos that are essentially three separate armies cooked into one. Lumineth is...
You would think that with two separate design teams, they'd try their own stuff, instead of constantly borrowing from one for the other. A little...
By that logic, everyone but Tzeentch got a buff. Since Changehost is no longer an active threat. And I'm fine with that.
I'm guessing it's the latter. More MSU means more potential depravity for Slaanesh. Meaning more chances to summon that big 30 man or daemonetes...
Atop the picture of battalions it mentions the battlepack either allowing or disallowing Core Battalions. I'm figuring that book battalions are...
I was not a fan of this rule when it was implemented in 40k, and I am doubly not a fan of it in AoS. I run Tyranids in 40k, and it just compacted...
I dunno, OBR not having command points, but the rest of the books moving to a similar system, seems good for them. They've already got a lot of...
TBH, our Tome could survive the edition change pretty well unscathed considering most of the rules are inwardly facing. Perhaps when we see...
I'm so happy right now. The priest fight has been something I've been asking and a proponent of for the longest time. Also, Bound is likely to...
Looks like there's going to be adjustments to battleplans, and the addition of secondary/tertiary objectives, much like 40k 9th currently is doing.
To be perfectly clear, he talked about some of his favorite changes, not all of them. The video literally says you spend a command point for these...
I dont understand what you mean, particularly the bolded part. CA are part of the core rules, and now that unit leaders can use CA, I dont see...
Are we sure that isn't true? They have been touting less downtime, so having charge reactions would definitely mean you can do stuff in every...
The talk of tome battalions going away was from Smogin, who had his hands on a copy of the 3.0 rules. According to him, they were going to...
Now that you bring it up, Blessed Spawnings could make for fun RoR for us.