An additional thought. Totems can do Command Abilities. The Dread Saurian is a totem no?
I have no big hopes. Only that the game is at least somewhat 'water-tight' as they so famously touted when announcing it. And for monsters to be...
That would be interesting. It would definitely fit considering this feels a lot like previous editions of WHFB are being integrated into AoS....
Rereading the roar, it only works for that combat phase. So there goes my plan of using it to cut off the Immune to Battleshock ability. Only...
No, but it showed up on Kragnos's warscroll, with a designer commentary saying it meant a piece of terrain was Garrison-able. Probably going to...
Why is that? Kroak, at the height of power, controlled an even larger portion of the board through a threatening presence. And he's far far...
Not being a fan of what Hordes are for doesn't make it bad. They're meant to be a tide of bodies when a Horde, controlling space and forcing the...
You say that as if it's a bad thing.
Terrain has always made the game better. And yet people continue to play without it. Pretty easily, since most horde armies aren't rigid like...
Hero's that have the monster keyword are also going to be pretty valuable, since they can benefit and use both of these new rules. Perhaps the...
Man, that Roar.... That's so good. Already I can see the Dread having a place with these. Use the Monster roar to pick a unit you want to kill...
That's right, my bad.
I think I would rather have a better save and an inbuilt FNP on a beast said to hunt dragons. As for the Ghurish Command Ability .... Never used...
His command ability already gives a -1 to shooting. And if negs and buffs are capped, it is what it is. I wouldn't honestly call that a nerf to...
[ATTACH] This is actually not bad to see. Reference numbers means there's likely a glossary.
The bracketing and not having any secondary defenses really hurts it. It could also use some adjustments to the attack profiles though...
As long as you can shove the skink combo in, and some salamanders in any empty spots, you'll honestly be fine. The big argument against the Trog...
That is the rub. If it was 180-200, the Trog would be more attractive. But, you can still work with it at 220. It's just a much tighter fit.
So far it's only been godly figures/named characters. So I doubt that will become widespread.
Your dismissiveness of the change is not surprising considering previous things you've said. But that's fine if the change means less to you and...