Yes actually. Now that he's not bound by the balewind, he can be moved more consistently, and with his support pieces. It makes your line/casting...
They look different enough from Orruks and Gobbos that they have a place. Good on them for going with the more 'middle earth' look for Hobgobs....
Of course I would. Arcane vassal, hero keyword, small and easy to hide, gives out secondary buffs, warscroll spells, and they're fast for...
The spells are not all the best, but I agree with @ArtoriusaurusRex, they give a lot of flexibility, and not having to wait to change them is...
New pic of the Apex Pred got shown off Yesterday apparently. It looks really good.
Seems... odd. It doesnt really fix the problem other people have with him, aside from balewind. I want the model, and I'll probably play some...
Does someone have that clip from the 3rd edition reveal? You know, the one where they go "We've taken everything into account. Made it...
I was hoping this was a bad joke. That Empryean ability made me reflexively recoil. That is a terribly written, and terrible rule. That and his...
The leaks are interesting. This and that looks pretty good, or meh. Disappointed in some of the abilities of the Lady of Nightmares and the alt...
TBF, they said that the coming of the Age of Sigmar did not mean Sigmar won and Chaos lost. They specifically said Chaos is still all over and...
Oof. I like the angel though. Not a bad start to AoS 3.0
Well, surprised they actually announced the new edition. Figured they'd wait a bit. That one Stormcast Angel looks really good.
I'm a big fan of the Elementari stuff too. Got a cow mountain waiting to be put together, and some Stoneguard who're getting the helmets modified...
Many good stories here. I may have to put pen to thoughts about them. I make no promises though.
I am quite partial to the last card. May have to do that one.
I really like the little bits they've fed us in just Nagral's story. Farmers! Perhaps those that move across the mountains become farmers once...
I've been a part of the Discord since near it's inception. I don't post or make all that many comments there though. I much prefer to watch the...
Naw, we won't hear about AoS 3 before Kragnos and the SBG book is out. Perhaps it has to do with their animation department?
If you switch out one of the Stega and pick up about 40 more skinks or hero's, you'll have good screening and more hero's to use the command...
I've really gotten into the different feel of the factions, and the Companion Book I bought to help support the game comes chock full of...