Well... maybe it's their terrain piece? A giant sun crystal fueling their army? Or an endless spell? It definetly looks crystalline or of...
Yeah, though they have a certain design for trees. It could be the back of some ancient mountainous stone troll/giant with trees growing out of...
Look, Most things are "modern inventions" when you look at it, when you study a field and need new terminology to best describe what you are...
Real men paint their miniatures with the dirt scraped from their fingernails and thinned down with the sweat of hard manual labour!
The only people who "control" their emotions are socio and psychopaths for they have none. You can observe your emotions and with training let...
This is the only thing I have to say to this [IMG]
Nobody knows what's going on at old Gedubs, but maybe they want us to get good use out of our derpy Cold Ones? I mean everyone owns at least one...
That's what I wanted to do aswell, those Lizards of the Dark Elves look so friggin cool. Still trying to get some second hand... buying 3 Boxes of...
Yeees! Decipher the Ancient Plaques! TELL US THE GREAT PLAN! ;)
Damn! That sounds amazing! *furiously prepares knights for painting*
What did we say about the hype guys? I love the unrelenting optimism!
Yeah the disappointment is real, walked right into that. Next Sunday there will be more restraint and maybe a hangover to keep me from abusing my...
I would not say that Contrast Paints are unnecessary, in my opinion no paint really is unnecessary. They are all a different tool to use in your...
at least we got warcry cards....
everybody cray cray right now [ATTACH]
Deeeeep breaths, 3 seconds in, 3 seconds out, focus on your chest rising and lowering. Caaaalm
Thanks man! I tried painting the throne as one piece and immediately ripped it apart again. For me it just wasn't fun as one big piece, it has...
That Carno is great! Really dig the star nebula theme, thought of doing something simillar for the summoned units in my army, but I scratched...
Your poor F5 key, I'm sure it has lived a good life until now. The first victim of the great news drought brought upon us by GW.