I occupy myself with some cleaning, sports and taking a look at all the cool painting projects people have going on in this forum. And later on...
Hey great looking bases man, cool idea with the streams! Those Skinks are nifty too, what I really like are those small dots on that "fan" on...
Hey great job man! For an army painted entirely with contrast paints they really look damn good! And when you consider you did this in a week, its...
Kinda, but it was fun nevertheless, I do enjoy those kind of things. What really annoys me is basecoating... I wish that I could immediately go to...
A friend of mine is teasing me right now with "oh it could take another week, I think it was the same with KO / Tzeentch after their tomes went...
A quick update of my progress of the Throne. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] As you can see I've dabbled a bit with the NMM Gold. Oh boy it sure is...
Organize your hobby space, clean your living space, go for a walk, sacrifice people to sotek do whatever it takes!
You fit in perfectly that's what you do! I decided to start AoS with Seraphon too without knowing that the rules were sub par. I've only had two...
Yeah, it's almost like being a kid again and waiting for christmas day or your birthday, it's a certain warm giddy feeling in my heart!
I said that I will commit my Sauri to the Itza Gallery, so here they are! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And some closeups aswell! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
So as promised, but with much delay, here are the good pictures of my Saurus Warriors. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Pictures with good lighting finally...
The last time I pre ordered something I had it shipped to the Warhammer store and it was there with the first delivery after it went so to say live.
Yeah Im thinking of ordering a Sunblood alongside the rest, even though it is Finecast, I want that damn Mini!
Sometimes a little excitement can go a long way. Being pessimistic and grumpy all the time isnt really helping ones mental wellbeing overall.
It's also not available in Germany. Next to some things that are temporarily out of stock, so different wordings. It seems to be happening!
That's the reason I'd love to have a download code for the Epub version of the Tome when you buy a physical version of it. If they update the Epub...
Most important question would be, what are your favorite Dinosaurs?
I doubt that it will be this Sunday, we still need a faction focus and that hasn't been uploaded yet. Plus they need to get the open day releases...
Maybe it acts as a link between casters or extends the range of spells.
That tree terrain has given me a nice idea how to do it myself, its a nice solution.