Crafting an entire bulding is no easy task for sure. But then it is not a beginner project I'd say, and everything is hard when you're new. As I...
But we can build that terrain ourselves cant we? Not everything has to be released by GW, sure it would be nice, but the look and style of some...
But with the Kharadron I kinda understand why they dont have a terrain piece or endless spells, but it sure is lazy. Their ships kinda act as a...
That's awfully negative....
This is a Trollslayer from WHFB 5th Edition iirc
I simply love the Airbrush, for almost everything, even highlighting, but I don't have that much experience with it overall. I dreaded every large...
Its exactly what I'm doing right now. Overhighlighting with an Airbrush, Contrast Paints for the main colour, basecoating the rest with a brush,...
My hope also rests on a release in mid Feb, starting a PtG campaign I want all the goodies it has to offer! Until then I work hard to get...
What I hate about them is not only that they are warmblooded and get more spotlight then us, but that they look so shiny and that I kinda want an...
But they only get a preview every other week, enough time for us to shine! And maybe an indicator that our release will come very soon.
I'll gladly join this pact of positivity and joyfullness! *to the music of Jump Around* Skink around! Skink up and get down!
I'm just guessing because of the fact that the warscroll cards are already being shipped and the Aether War release which was a very fast release...
I think well get a preview sometime this week and be up for preorder in the first or second week of february.
From the pictures it looks as big as a Carnosaurus with the rider in height but a bit shorter in width.
Yes I am a madman and I highlight scales with a brush :D I tried painting up 20 Saurus at once too, I got on all the contrast and base colours...
Yeah it would mean more books, more waiting etc. Like I said we don't know what's going on behind the curtains, maybe they bit of too much to...
I see, yeah that seems doable for sure, then I don't have any idea why they're not doing it. But none of us really know what goes on behind the...
Maybe they will release a Seraphon Warband for Warcry with a few updated models? That could be a possibility aswell. I will kitbash the everliving...
Oh, I thought the plastic Stormfiends were new models, I stand corrected. Thanks for clarifying this, then we are just some endless spells away...
Thanks to you for the kind words, glad you like em! There is some dry brushing involved. On the black/blue scales on the back an the shields the...