Or maybe there are a few more women in the hobby nowadays aswell, at least in my LGS or at the local Warhammer store there are way more then when...
Well they are not really that simillar now to be honest. They really revolve around their miracle dice mechanic and the whole martyrdom thematic....
I think it's in the realm of possibilities. A few factions have gotten this treatment if not almost all of them iirc, at least FeC, Skaven, Gits...
Yeah it really has been a bust, I mean no new Primaris? Those poor Marine players got no new models, this is really is the worst.
Yeah a friend of mine didn't buy the Gloomspite Gitz battlebox back then and is still waiting for the Loonboss on Cave Squig. But i guess the...
It's been a few Days and I think we need another work in progress update here. Talking about the shields of my warriors got me thinking about how...
Im a bit biased when it comes to the Sororitas, because i absolutely adore the models and even got the box when it went up for sale for about 5...
Yeah it certainly is a long time to wait, i think the oldest miniatures in our line apart from the Saurus Warriors are the Chameleon Skinks,...
If i recall correctly the Saurus Warriors we have now are from 2002/3 and not 94. They got a revamp with 6th Edition, but yeah 2003 is still...
Thank you for the likes and the positive feedback! The shields will get the same blueish black scales as the back of the Sauri, because i think...
Now, this is supposed to be a Painting Blog and not "a list of unfinished miniatures blog", so to start things off right, I post some pictures of...
So now we come to a few Saurus Knights, with some older Cold Ones. Again I am missing a few bits for them, in this case the Lances, but I guess...
So with the new year i decided to start this Paintingblog, a kind of New Year New Army thing. But in this case its more of a "New Year Newish Old...
Hello fellow Lizards and Seraphon, 33 year old gamer and tabletop enthusiast from Germany here, in the hobby since 1998, started with 40k 3rd Ed....