Nice snakes, but otherwise more vampire garbage. I don't know why it's even getting any attention here.
One for my fellow StarCraft fan @Killer Angel... [IMG]
I wouldn't say 'Having a break', more 'indulging in a different interest' right now, mainly because TOW releases ground to a halt in Autumn/Winter...
Got started in building the first of many 10mm houses for my Armoured Clash terrain setup last week... all the sides and window holes have been...
No, just normal frogs... with the odd bit of magic or mutation about them, whether Chaotic or benign.
Though their adorable majesty must be exercised sparingly to avoid losing the cute novelty of their appeal... [IMG]
The best thing about Enlightened being a bunch of mad scientists (or Martians, however you'd like to interpret them) is you can really go to town...
Those aren't new... they were released for the 8th Edition era, I think for Storm of Magic... [IMG] But good to see them return, especially with...
Certainly I'd call giving the Elf riders Strength 4 BS, as the vast majority of Elf units have Strength 3. I'm sure in previous editions of the...
If you're willing to consider showing deliberately woke content as a measurement of evilness (as some of us are certainly tempted to, given said...
Fine if you're playing Apocalypse, but, like any other so-called 'Lord of War', shouldn't be in ordinary games of 40K. Things like this are one of...
[IMG] Congratulations! Your regular meme-posting and bringing of cheer has made you probably the fastest Double Slann the forum has seen! Very...
These Union troops have such grey uniforms that they could almost pass for Confederates... [IMG]
Fair enough, I admit I gave less thought to non-ridden Monsters... though I'm unsure on what else could be done to deal with the ridden Monster...
To be honest, I'm eventually expecting Lizardmen to make a full return to TOW... once they've made a full replacement Seraphon range for AoS so...