Yep, I also flagged the issue in the main Server Maintenance thread. Clearly it isn't just posting images in a thread that causes this... and the...
Congrats to our Fourteenth Spawning upon his successful appointment! :)
I prefer the original film response where that sod DiCaprio is concerned... "Something far worse has happened to you."
I've always thought that Trench Crusade was a grossly-overrated storm-in-a-teacup, but never thought it would become a part of this sort of...
Another magnificent Sovereign Landship... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Plus a whole swathe of expendable human infantry (no doubt lobotomised victims of the Martians/deranged human scientists that command your army):...
We also have a Handling Machine in the form of the Callisto Assault Gatherer, alongside an anti-tank Artillery version and an anti-personnel...
Along with your mainstream Fighting Machines - the Mars-pattern Heat Ray version, the Phobos melee version and the Deimos 'Guardian' version,...
ULLAAAAAAA! The Enlightened are on their way to Armoured Clash, and bring with them some simply lovely War of the Worlds Martian machines: [IMG]...
For those who like their Blue-Bellies... [IMG]
A lovely lot of Rebs there... though Armoured Clash has made 10mm more appealing of late, I am still fond of the Warlord Epic Battles ones and...
Just finished rewatching Gods and Generals. Like Zulu Dawn, it's only the second time I've seen this film, but in this case this is the first...
Wouldn't this be better in the Fantasy chat, toggled to TOW? This is currently in the General Hobby Chat thread. But to answer your question, I...
Yeah, no.
Agreed, a great film! Between it and the original Zulu we get a very nice portrayal of the two most well-known battles of the Zulu War. Just a...
I look forward to seeing these scrap-bashed Tomb Blades, in case I have the bitz necessary to build my own... ;)
Front rank... preeee-sent... Fire! Rear rank... preeee-sent... Fire! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Have been watching various 19th Century-set...
I've already shown you the part of the artwork that mountain copies, so I'm fairly certain it is Cathay. Here's a wider shot of the artwork (which...