It's a possibility... I hope it's nothing to do with my IP address or anything, that'd be typical.
I have noticed it works fine when one or two pics are uploaded, but if I try to upload three, four or more then the error usually appears.
Korhil is a sculpt that's at least 20 years old, so no doubt he isn't perfect, but he is a classic model to those who are a fan of fielding him in...
Though of course this lad is the best part of the announcement by far: [IMG] Great to have it pretty much confirmed Beasty Boys will be next, and...
Lastly, for metal models there will be just Korhil, the formerly-Finecast Handmaiden of the Everqueen and the Great Eagles making a comeback: [IMG]
And all the other plastic kits are returning too. I've noticed that the Spearmen are getting transfers now rather than keeping the old solid...
And the Lothern Sea Guard and Swordmasters returning from the Island of Blood box (the Swordmasters having some new alternative arms for the...
It's compounded when I include additional images on said posts.
I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but I've noticed this error message cropping up a lot of the time when I attempt to create posts...
You're forgetting the best game of the lot... High Elves are previewed in full as the next TOW release, with their Arcane Journal: [IMG] A noice...
Who else read that in Charles Dance/Tywin Lannister's voice? ;) Exactly right... same with WarCraft ripping off Warhammer Fantasy. Which made...
Huzzah and hurrah! Thanks @The Red Devil for sorting this out for us. Here's to many more years of Lizardy fun on the forum!
I'd have liked to see a 28mm version as well, especially as a couple of Wargames Atlantic sets would work really nicely for it (and the original...
In preparation for the approaching Enlightened release, one ingenious fellow has made a crashed Enlightened flying saucer scenery piece: [IMG]...
Thousand Sons? It doesn't look particularly Egyptian for Thousand Sons... but then the current 40K-era Thousand Sons seem to have lost some of...
Definitely a Bray-Shaman of some sort... the horns are more slender and only have a slight curve up and back, rather than curling right round the...
Here's another image from a still... it's definitely a Beasty Boy!!!!! [ATTACH] Not only do we have two horns but also the tufts of fur between...
Another preview on its way on 17th January (so a couple of Fridays' time): [MEDIA] 5 main things teased for AoS, 40K, Necromunda and TOW: The...
The Enlightened will arrive in their Cylinders during February coming up to March, whereupon after that, looks like the German-inspired Imperium...