A game of the Edition I began Warhammer with, featuring two of my fave armies! Great stuff!
Armoured Clash is getting even more exciting, with the Enlightened on the horizon... love those War of the Worlds-inspired Fighting Machines!...
Talking of Beastmen with firearms, I got some of the Kill Team Fellgor Ravagers for Christmas (though they'll be used as the beginnings of a unit...
Meh, it's just Americans doing what they've always done where WWII is concerned... overexaggerating their contribution. It's just with minorities...
A belated welcome, @LastelleCrea! This site is a goldmine of various lore snippets and creative pieces written by our own forumites... in the...
Mechanically... maybe, but lorewise definitely not.
I presume this is in place of Empire getting their plastic Battle Wizard kit (designed for the era of the Colleges of Magic) back... The...
I wouldn't be surprised if the Sigmar and Karl Franz escutcheons and hubcaps were alternative parts in the same kit so that modellers could...
I've heard of Axis and Allies, and that there was a WWI expansion, but have never played any of them.
I wish I could like this twice. Meanwhile, in the Empire, the Orientals prefer mounting their palaces on Clone Turbo Tank wheels and sticking Ork...
Recently I've been watching video tutorials on scratchbuilding buildings and designing 10mm Steampunk buildings for Armoured Clash.
Most beautiful thing on 4 tracks... [IMG]
Well... I always thought the impending Harry Potter series would be needless so relatively soon after the original films ended, and this only...
And this is why I love the Crown... [IMG]
Funnily enough Kill Team in 5th Edition 40K was a mission specifically designed for small-scale (200 points usually) games of standard 40K, in the...
Meh, I'd also say in some regards WarCraft is closer to 'generic' fantasy than Warhammer - certainly where humans are concerned, for example - a...
Yep Blizzard contacted GW asking if they would let them make some Warhammer-themed PC games. GW said 'on your bike' so Blizzard decided to make...