He does get the -1. He is a chameleon after all. Oxyotl is a great model. You should find that he is more of a psychological warfare model...
Do not let him charge them in, ever! Deny him the impact hist he gets with his units. Then poison them to death.
This could work with a little conversion. Only $14 at Miniature Market: http://www.miniaturemarket.com/cishd3015.html Hope it helps.
Chameleons are also great against the Ironsky cannon!
Welcome to the forum. I have moved this post to the Trading forum. Feel free to post your mini's for sale here. I know we have several users in...
The turn it is cast it is at str 4. You immediately see if it arrives. If it does not, then you place the first token. The next turn, it would...
Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm That is a really appealing idea. 8-10 skink chiefs with a second row of Krox....
Welcome to the Forum. Let us know what we can do to help with your cataloging.
Great work Bob! I particularly like the Chameleons.
At work, no links for me. I do have a set of the Abysmal Dwarf Berserkers. Those are great models. I used them in a Mordheim crew.
Re: let's talk about Chaow Dwarfs Sorry, I cannot help with the questions, but I may have a solution for the cost. If you are not going to be...
Wow! Just....Wow! Those look amazing! You are also an excellent photographer. Well done!
I would think that they would house rule that to 2 since they are going for smaller units. Probably will not matter that much though.
That is unfortunate. Poor, stubby little guys....
Ogres get a Horde fromation for 6 models wide. That is due to the monstrous infantry rule. If the swarms have something like that, 6 will get...
I have never been a real big user of Facebook. I have started using it with my Malifaux gaming though. I sent a join request to the lizardmen...
I agree. The more, the better! Great work.
Thanks again for heading that up.
Re: does anybody ealse want a custom Avatar ? Wow! You keep outdoing yourself. Great work. Are you familiar with malifaux? I could use...
You can have points listing, just not individual points costs. Totals are ok (Lord/Hero/Core/Special/Rare).