Speaking for myself, i am strangled by real life schedule. It was already a surprise i was able to write my entry.
You lucky man.
Taking care of the voting thread for our painting competition. ;)
The voting thread is ON :)
The voting thread for our 9th painting competition (jan-mar) is HERE Cast your votes!
Here we go. Take your time to judge and decide, discussions and questions are welcome!
#1 - @Vosrik [SPOILER] #2 - @Explodingzeb [SPOILER] #3 - @Imrahil [SPOILER]
Welcome to the voting thread for our 9th instance of The Feathered Serpent competition! This competition's theme is: “BANNERS / TOTEMS”, as...
It would work also for World Eaters...
What a surprise! :p
I can testify it's a true story.
That's incredible!
"The Seat of Cute Power"
Slightly disappointing but understandable and more realistic :p
Wapple's tainted legion?