Not necessarily good as the ones mentioned, but "Ride with the devil" offers a further perspective on the issue.
I love war movies with lots of extras :) [ATTACH]
That's certainly true. But I would like to have both. :p
What a lucky finding!
a true story
I can see the merits of both, i genuinely cannot see a "winner", as they both marked an era and infuenced our modern culture.
40 + 40 is a lot :eek: I approve :D
I will look at the two i've missed. :p
that would be a nice debate
It's basically a supplement that provides rules and scenarios for fighting in the Lustrian jungle. It also includes two new army lists -- the...
Not a game, but i've finally managed to replace my old vhs... :D [ATTACH]
Damage done is done. Even in the best case scenario, broken things can be fixed but never fully restored.
since WHFB, GW has always treated VC as their golden undead boys.
understandable. Don't worry ;)
It could be, but i'm not so sure about it...
Yep, that was my last purchase. :D
You know you are obsessed when you spend time and money to complete your collection just because :) [ATTACH]
Well, today i have completed my collection! [ATTACH]