so there can be 2 burning heads at the battlefield at the same time? sounds incorrect
but just one can be on the battlefield right?
For example: if i use bound burning head and my opponent has the normal burning head in his list what happens? i start and cast burning head,...
i have one and cant wait to use it with his new warscroll!!!!!!!!! the only little detail he is missing is his base. i gave him a metall semiround...
Maybe i missed something but was the 20th April not the day games Workshop wanted to reopened?
the only thing that really hurts is that scaly skin doesnt apply to mortal wounds. scaly skin is the on trait that helps us to hold on in close combat
i love the new Terradons more then Rippers. On the other hand they got cheap, why not use them as objektiv grappler
After a long time we can finally field Lord Kroak. if i compare him to a normal slan, i think he performs better. Yes Kroak cost 60 points more,...
vs orruks you can do it, cities of sigmar probably not
so you have to know your opponents army first to decide if placing it is worth the risk
if the enemy get it, that could be a huge problem. he cannot activate the engine, but if he puts a lot of shooting in it this could be gg
ah i see. Does this make sense? how often will you use this ability?
hey guys, i read the rules, but i dont get it. How does the Engine really works? So it is a terrain feature and you get cover, it can dish out...
i really hoped kroxigors get more love. they still cannot destroy what they are made for.
i think so too. more wounds make him much beavier then a good save. and it can still do a lot of dmg with its flat 6 dmg bite.
i will test him as soon as possible. i like the extra wounds on him, everyone is pushing mortal wounds this days. when will the warscroll builder...
warcry normally gives a few new models made for small games ( 500 points like ). Saurus warriors have options on spears and clubs. maybe we will...
guys, we discuss our update since last spring, we only have to wait a couple weeks. maybe days for informations. its coming, can you feel it?
definitely Saurus knights and kroxigors need a lot of change. - first of all, how is it possible for a raptor sooooo damn slow? Cavallery are not...