Thanks I'm not sure what further progress I can make with her. It was a fight, but it was a fight I won, to not have a computer or TV in the...
Save some Necrotect for the rest of us !
I've been there for years. I try to go to bed a half hour after my wife so she'll be asleep. Usually she has been zombie rolling on her phone so...
I enjoyed him after he remembered that he used to play Hawk. His first season until he shaved his head and channeled his inner Riker(grew facial...
Still one of my favorite Tomb Kings army.
I'm experimenting with making my own contrast paints. I wanted a yellow for my Dark Eldar wyches but I haven't been happy with how they've been...
Thanks! Like I said I have to build and paint two more and then add water effects. I've seen so many amazing ideas over the years it's tough...
I have two more troll heads and arm bits to make two more bases.[ATTACH]
I'll work on getting photos but the river troll box had lots of extra bits including heads and arms. I used them to make more trolls with them...
I was actually talking about this today. I love the mini rulebooks and prefer to use them over the giant versions. The mini showcase is nice as...
Here I am touching up my Tomb Kings and you show me a higher level paint job...sigh. Looks great, what colors are used on the bases?
Models just showed up and all were in great condition. Only issue was Asarnil was missing his sword. Not a huge issue with how much I paid for...
It's beautiful and it will be mine. Financially I can't buy it this month as I just bought Asarnil the Dragonlord and some Slayers. Wife would be...