Old necrons or new ones?
Thanks! Kenneth has such amazing character, it's really a beautiful sculpt. The Gael as far as I know is from the same manufacturer, I bought...
While getting ready to base my Roman and Irish characters my son decided that Staypuff Marshmallow Man was I'm the neighborhood and wanted to...
Thank you! I have a group of very talented friends who push me to get better. Also nicely painted stuff will help get my youngest son more and...
[ATTACH]After procrastinating for couple years I finally got this fully assembled and painted. Going to weather it some more as it is a big...
This is a very insightful take. My wife doesn't notice bits and bobs but if something random enters the collection she will. I have so many random...
Sadly that was my case as well. I have enough hobbies that had I couldn't justify the cost. It doesn't hurt that I wasn't interested in learning...
Thank you for calling them by their proper name, Imperial Guard. Are you actually able to play 1st edition Xwing? I loved it and possibly...
Yes! He is already wanting to paint and use minis. My Zombicide models tend to be the only ones that are durable enough right now. We lost his...
My son felt that my fields needed a dinosaur attack. He is going to be amazing to game with in a few years.[ATTACH]
I'm just glad they've releasing CD models.
They look great other than the hobgoblin. Not of fan of the poses or those sculpt in general, a few are ok. The CD and bulls are sweet!
Working on terrain, mostly for Pulp Alley. The water will also work for Blood and Plunder. I have issues with my buildings in that I keep getting...
I don't know why this tickles me so much but it does. Laughed loud enough that a coworker asked if I was OK. Well done.
Ah they have been to Hawaii. SPAM is considered a delicacy and they have to security box it to prevent the massive shoplifting it causes. I was...
This is my life in so many ways. Wife and coworkers are notorious for waiting till I start reading to talk. Once I put the book down they go back...
That is actually rather evil. I got mad just looking at how horrible that is. What type of monster would do that?
A fee years ago we got a 2% raise and we were happy that we got one. Then they told us that medical coverage raised 23%... yeah life. On the other...
They just want to cheapen the games more than they already have. Biting the medal like some low class trash. Sorry my bias is showing.
And arrange absolutely an incredibly fun thing to ride. Also against work policy to do so... sssshhhhh.