Don't you judge him!
All I ask is that if, and I stress IF, he is actually going to play Dr. Doom then please be Dr. Doom and not some stupid version of Tony Stark who...
I've never seen Lower Decks but thats more that I have so much backlog of older media I want to see that it's a few years out.
Two part answer to this. 1st part is that I love Galaxy Quest and it hits all the right nostalgia buttons with proper tongue in cheek. 2nd I am...
Just realized this is a real model. I weep for this hobby.
It's moments like this that help remind me of why I dislike Disney Star Wars. I'm not a huge fan of the prequels with the lack of quality control...
Thus actually made me laugh out loud at a volume that made the wife question question my sanity.
Needs more Dakka.
He makes a solid point.
Dizzy every day. Every single day. The highlight of that movie.
I actually own one. I had a second one but the wife stol... borrowed it.
I was in late 20s when I saw these movies. Every year I took the love of my life to see them for her birthday. If they gave me a drug that...
Rough to call Legolas half a man but he's an elf after all.
I used coconut or coir as the base. It has amazing texture and color. Just to be a completion man, I started with a CD covered the hole with tape...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Jungle terrain coming along nicely. Over ten years of plants finally being used!
Honestly I'm kinda jealous of this room.
[ATTACH]Random scatter test. Need a nice mix for Blood and Plunder as we will be playing islands and also some New England coasts. Definitely will...
Must be a retired Dad. I've been up since 4am.
He's one of the last models I need for my Dogs of War. Not all I want mind you! I'm a masochist so I use cobblestone like bases for my Empire and...
Broke my steady stream of repainting my Tomb Kings by working on some Warriors of Chaos. Also may or may not have done some work on my Blood Bowl...