I dislike leg tattoos but that is pretty cool. I say this as I look down at my Dad NBs, regulation white. I've recently converted a few other Dads...
Those do look rather cool and for easier to do. When I get home I'll have to post a picture of the army. I have a few unbuilt models but it's one...
These words you speak are true.
That's why I didn't want the base change. I use multiple hordes for my orcs and goblins can't imagine the cost. I also have a Skaven army...it's...
Agreed, genius.
Anyone who is more afraid of a man in the woods over a man have never dealt with a real bear. I've known people who ran from tiny dogs and I'm...
I was told to make a list and paint that. If I have a game coming up that would work. It worked for my dwarves as I psinted about 3000 pts in a...
For me the tongues on the serpents are silly and they look alive which isn't my favorite for a TK model. For the models, I said I like, the...
GW ones are nice but these look more regal. Definitely would look nice without the riders in a Mortuary list.
Theu are a really fun army. I started making scratch built pump wagons and lots of random fun units. I still don't have mangler squig or wyvern...
I really like these, better see than the gw ones.
Insane? Maybe but I can say I did the same buying spree for a few of my armies so all respect. I traded for a lot of boar boys, not quite 30+...
Lucky! I was after those but kept getting distracted by so many other things. I still lack a wyvern for my greenskins. I feel I've let them down....
I was going to build a stompa with a Mr Potato Head and my wife then bought me four. That's love people. Sadly I sold my Orks due to me not having...
Most of us have been playing since 2nd or 3rd edition so the last few editions haven't felt like warhammer to us. The Eldar and tau both have...
I have them but didn't paint them. Got them in 8th and they tended to just get slaughtered. So beautiful but sadly not good in game. Which is why...
I gush about the model line a lot. If I wasn't such a moron years ago when you could still buy individual models I'd have the complete line....
Yes, yes they are. I found them and while they are of dubious lineage they didn't cost me over $100 that ebay and its ilk were asking. I am an...
We do in fact. Basically it's the "don't be a dick" rule. The space marine and necron players don't use the broken detachment rules but they can...
[ATTACH] Potato photo but I'm being a hobby/army butterfly today. We have 7th edition Dark Eldar flyers base coated. A few Wood Elf models and...