Ta da, this is my collection. I have a lot of work to do lol, but that new codex is motivating[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
karen: my child is perfect her child: [ATTACH]
picked up dead space 2 on steam, and now ea is making me jump through all these hoops to use a game i paid for. fuck electronic arts :mad:
High risk high reward? Worth a shot then. Next time I get an AoS game I’ll give something like that a try and let you guys know how it went
[ATTACH] Meet dryptosaurus, yes it is related to trex. That said I don’t know how accurate this semi cursed restoration is
Might be worth another unit of knights and the star priest, they have good synergy, are fast, and can put out some decent hurt for the cost....
As cool as this sounds, wouldn’t that make kroak stupidly vulnerable?
Watched some squid game. Where are the fucking squid??!!?!? Give me a refund netflix
caesar do got that drip [IMG]
Not a question, 10/10 times the garlic bread
[ATTACH] yeah I’m pretty disappointed with him. While I don’t know how much corporate bs forced him to sucker up, that doesn’t excuse him....
For the greater good![ATTACH]
Oh geez, I’ll need to take stock of what I currently have, should be a decent collection (although it has nothing on the holy carnosaur) @Killer...
yep! I think something in me has finally snapped and i now enjoy the challenge of working with resin