I'm fairly sure that Seraphon have a bad rep when it comes to balance.. We have really strong abilities that would be pretty broken in other...
This has me very interested to see the new warscroll for kroak as i doubt they gave his "unique" spell to a mere skink oracle without giving him...
For it to change with the new battletome, it has to be in the battletome. Unfortunately it's a forgeworld model therefore it won't see changes...
personally i'm not that hard to pleaseā¦ I just want a functionnal battletome that doesn't require me to have 3 other books and the FAQ on speed...
I've already gone back to 40k personally, my Khorne daemons are really fun to play in 40k even though it's kinda like playing Very hard Mode. I...
The same thing that happened to sylvaneth is happening to us. Our book is stuck in a boat or plane somewhere and we won't get it till july. If we...
Interesting.. i was sure there used to be one for the bloodsecrator also. I might have been wrong
Could be charity for a really weak army, if so it won't last
You can only use one of either troglodon or eotg + 2 stegadon and/or bastiladon + either a unit of kroxigor or a hunting pack (salamander or...
That would be bad for my wallet
Bloodsecrator is among the best units on the Khorne roster. The successful cast reroll has a big impact and 8" is a decent bubble.
I guess we could say we are taking a beating on the cover but that's about it.
In the battletome it is wholly within 16" but if you check the errata in the FAQ it is changed to wholly within 8".
The 16" aura has been errata down to 8" (although the one that makes you reroll successful casts is left unchanged). He ignored save modifiers...
It does have "rumour" in the title
Their battletome will be the oldest when we receive our book, but theirs came out 3 years after ours so it's not nearly as old as ours
If Games-Workshop gave us anything to chew on we would talk about it...
The few times i fielded that battalion, i forced myself to run one of each variant so i would not have 3 insensate rage. Makes the game a bit more...
The battalion makes it so if a keyword Bloodthirster (which includes Skarbrand and exalted greater daemon) attacks, another keyword Bloodthirster...
I'm unfamilliar with realm artifacts, but i'm pretty sure if your opponent bring in the tyrants of blood battalion (3-8 bloodthirsters) you'll...