My second favourite army is Blades of Khorne, the models are almost as good looking as our dinos for the most part. I really like the aesthetic of...
Honorary star to BoC Cygor
Having 240+ skinks on the battlefield was well worth the look on my opponent's face (playing beasts of chaos so we were definitely playing with...
Nurgle was the first 2.0 book released i believe. The powercreep makes it seem like they are overdue bu their book is barely 2 years old
Everytime i see one i want exodites more.
Kroak already is a trap. No reason to take him over a slann, 170 pts more expensive for an additional spell and being unable to get great rememberer.
These are warcry cards though.. i don't know much about that game but i'm pretty sure they're not one and the same
And/or release things they have already announced.
I tried many things to carry around the dread saurian and i still think that a strong cardboard box with bubble wrap to be the best option (and...
New rumour engine looks elvish once again (same tree as the previous one).
For this to be possible, the Slann would need a steep cost increase along the line of what kroak costs right now. I would be happy camper if they...
I've stopped having expectations as i've been disappointed too many times. If it's not this week it will be the next, or maybe next month, who knows.
Kroak should be costed so high you could'nt play it in 2k pts games, if he was at the same power lvl he is in the lore.
Wasn't entirely inaccurate which says a lot about GW releases.
Pretty sure even the paint guides have suffered errata at this point
Riot often waits more than 2 weeks to swing the nerf hammer though… Need to maximize the amount of money they make off the back of every release,...
Playing Seraphon as my first army (came from TWWH2), i had to learn the position game really quickly or i was getting utterly destroyed every...
Would make sense if you look at past battletome announcements. Games-Workshop might still pull a rabbit out of the hat and make us wait longer. I...
Unless the little demons aren't done working in which case, who knows...
I started playing almost 2 years ago and i chose seraphon because of total war's lizards. The saurus look so badass in that game.