That would kill the excitement i would have for the new book.
My 2 favourite models are the Troglodon, i always try to fit one in my lists, and the Bastiladon (ark of Sotek).
We have strengths and weaknesses like everybody else, problem is the list of weaknesses is way longer than most armies. Our summon and teleport...
Because almost every unit of our roster is ridiculously overcosted so why not this one too.
BoC can't be considered the worst because most of them play using khorne or tzeentch battletome. Seraphon IS the worst faction in AoS atm if you...
Difference being a BoC player can use a chaos god battletome and still play their models ie: tzeentch with tzaangor or khorne with the bullgor...
Nearby people thought i was a madman laughing all by myself
Any info about our Battletome coming from somewhere else than games-workshop official announcement and/or warhammer community has no credibility....
Drukhari/harlequin and khorne daemons/world eater is more than enough for my 40k needs atm. I'll think about it though ;)
They basically announced a 2nd new faction with the rumour engine (giant faction) so my hopes are down in the dirt. Getting used to seeing my...
I'm fairly sure we have been delayed multiple times at this point, similar to what happened to sylvaneth, the difference being they were announced...
I would replace my 120 warriors and 45 guards tomorrow morning if they did
I tend to avoid playing eternal starhost as it almost always turns into feelbad games (either you get blown up by mortal wounds or they dont have...
So did i, in my mind getting the biggest baddest dinosaur out there is always worth it regardless of it's performance on the battlefield. As an...
It is fun to paint, building it ain't that bad (i've had worse fw models). It will beat the living shit out of weak monsters but will get...
Pretty sure you can get to save 7+ (some warscrolls have that already) i.e. no save
I really like that we are a summoning army, it's part of what makes this faction great. Summoning snacks for our opponents to fill their bellies...
All other summon mechanics (i might be missing one?) don't require the player to invest points up front simply to be able to use the mechanic (or...
When i want to evaluate if krox are good i usually compare them to minotaurs (same cost and role), minotaur are FAR better than krox. The same can...
At this point they must be saying: "They waited 3+ years already, what's another 6 months huh?" Then 6 months later.... Probably delayed again....