In any case the glorious custodes win just by showing up so you're good either way
In a tournament anything goes even cheap tactics as long as it's legal. I would never "advice" someone unless it really helps the guy. Might be...
From what i've seen (didn't try that hard tbh), you can access the page and see the warhammer post but you can't access the replies.
What's the usual timeframe, if any?
Thank you for taking the time. The guy talking about cathay/nippon could be onto something. Could it be the first rumour engine for a new faction...
Is there any way for someone without a facebook account to see those messages?
I would not recommend using this kind of tactic if you plan to keep your playgroup.
Sylvaneth got a new character which is pretty busted and more flexibility on forest placement. They were already competitive so it makes sense...
I like to believe we will get new saurus models across the board, might be wishfull thinking? I'd settle for new knights models at the very least....
I did something similar to get a win vs beasts of chaos. At one point i had to save CCP because i had 220 skinks in play and none left in my...
They wont hesitate to ally skinks though that's for sure
Correct me if i'm wrong but i think the ability does'nt stack
I've collected so many sweat tears with the bloodroar ability. It felt so good to see a morsarr guard or kurnoth unit being wiped from losing a...
This statement describes it so well. Also, from the games i've played, my opponents always scream broken whenever i use our tp or summon (while...
It might be none of my business but i'm pretty sure those discussions belong in private messages and not in a rumor thread. The debate about AoS...
The way the ability is worded, it could be interpreted as any of the 2 options we stated above. I'd rather play a Bloodthirster of insensate rage...
The requirement is: did NOT attack for at least ONE of the two combat phases of the previous battle round. Exemple: If the Khorne player moves...
If he attacks during round 3, the fact that he didn't fight during round 1 or 2 is still valid therefore it lasts for the remainder of the battle.
LoST a starpriest or a slann to drop a purple sun on their hordes can do some damage too
Adding more and more of a bad unit doesn't change the fact that it's bad.. all it does is spread wounds on the 4th model. Unless you get a horde...