Nice! I was a bit disappointed when they were ignored for TW : Warhammer but that cover alone makes up for it.
That'll be where I went wrong then. But I have tried on a model and kinda gave up - it was taking so longand was much more difficult compared to...
Oooooo thank you very much
Can someone put together the cheesiest of all all armies? Like exploiting every badly worded rule to get really powerful but in a dickish way? I'm...
Dammit are GW still ignoring them? Bit of a disappointment but I guess the lack of new models is just more incentive to make my own
Ooh exciting! I've been waiting for GW to do something like this since silver tower, but I thought they'd delay a bit longer before release. I...
Hey its me. I took a year out because things were getting tight. I couldn't afford warhammer and the things on this forum were so good I wanted...
Firstly hi I'm back! Secondly help me! I bought a box of Tau pathfinders, painted the big recon drone reasonably well, and like a muppet decided...
I'll join in as well, I've been meaning to get more involved with the painting side of this forum...
Hey guys, I'm back! My phone got destroyed though, so there might not be a story for a while until I replace it.
Looks okay, but a bit too mammalian for me.
Pity story five is getting all the technical problems - it was my favourite. I had to forcibly restrain myself from voting for it twice.
Nothing like a bit of angry chef to start the day... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Well y'know, its the thought that counts...
I'm not coming last! Words cannot describe how chuffed I'm feeling! The bribes must have- that is, how lucky of me. *cackles madly*
I haven't yet played a Summer Campaign in the shop, but I battled a friend yesterday and smashed him. I might report that back.
Well, it does seem reasonable that a dice couldn't roll past infinity.... But with my luck, my opponent will somehow manage it. He is the only...
Ok, it does read like Kroak gets a free pass on that ability. Death players are not going to like this. :D
No, not at all. I just wanted your advice on a speedier army, as I prefer to be faster than the average pebble. :p:D I like it. It has enough...
I have a written ending already (but thanks anyway for the ideas). The only problem is, I was half asleep while writing it, so I need to go back...