When I first started writing stories for this place, I included elements of British-English spelling simply because I thought it would make my...
Their sense of mystery and unique perspective on the world. Their lore has a lot of open-endedness to it, so when writing about the lizards,...
good luck and have fun
[SPOILER] An Unlikely Father Billowing smoke clouded the skies as fires smoldered on in the ruined village below. Not a single house nor...
[MEDIA] theme is literally this anime (go watch it for your fix of psychotic badass women)
Interesting. I already had an idea beforehand I wanted to write regardless of whatever theme was chosen, but this basically flipped what I planned...
I originally thought about writing a humorous twist ending involving chai tea and cathayan settlers. Koma was supposed to rant about these...
[SPOILER] The Biggest Baddest Lizard Koma’s eyes swept over the plaque he held, examining every written glyph. History as a concept never...
[IMG] (from polar bear cafe)
I have such a bizarre, ridiculous crossover idea i'm thinking of and would like to write.
When it comes to pacing scenes, especially introductory ones, I like to think of them as mini-stories.
lol, this reminds me of the time I was spamming images of tanks, and nightbringer was doing the same thing, except for lightsabres. We were doing...
[IMG] russian warship apparently fucked itself
Some pretty insane shit is going on in Shanghai now. Drone in Shanghai China telling residents "Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Do not...
Do you guys seriously refer to some people as "betas" and "Alphas?" o_O Just so anyone knows, the originator of this concept denounced his own work.
Well I already have a solid idea for a story in my head, but i'm not 100% sure i'll participate. I'd love to, but I'm currently swamped in another...