Is it alright to write about anything "old", or does your story have to exclusively be about the gods?
Well informed videos on the Ukraine situation: [MEDIA] (Posted when the war was 1 week old) [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
These definitions are extremely similar. Honestly, IMO, it seems to me the people who are railing on about head hopping most likely just prefer...
I noticed it and thought it was a pretty cool feature. You failed... :P . I knew the fourth story was a Scalenex one from the writing style...
Does anyone here know the difference between head hopping and third person omnipresent?
What a cute story <3 Thanks for your work, it was delicious food.
[IMG] lol I think it's safe to say I like that game a little bit.
[MEDIA] ^ that channel has a lot of rare, unique combat footage btw. Would recommend.
Mods. It's arguably the most moddable game atm, and its modding scene is also probably the biggest. Porn mods are very popular, which has often...