Love a good squig bopper or whatever those are called, the most Labyrinth of grotz. [IMG]
Yeah I prefer the bluey/green myself, I think I'm going for a undivided host in the long run so maybe squads of each would be fine.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] knocked out a different coloured Chaos chap, let me know which you prefer!
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] When one has almost slipped onto the third page it is time to strike! Actually finished a boyo, had to have a go at them...
Same for me, Burger king have gotten a lot better but still going with McDonalds for best fries.
All amazing stuff as usual, I especially like those raptor models, look like decent cold ones unless the size isn't quite right?
Oh great! I missed what you entered?
Well deserved indeed, I've seen instagram posts with both the others wondering why they didn't get anything!
That Tidecaster is astounding, I love the water reflection inside the cloak.
'Haven't done anything' Proceeds to show plethora of awesome models. ;)
Looks awesome altogether like that, I've always loved your terrain building. Nice to see it all in action.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Got to the washes stage with this Briomdar enclave Thrall and I'm quite happy with it so far.
I'm amazed how much of a difference changing helmets on sigmarines makes to how much I like them. The death masks really don't do it for me.
Looking to restart my Idoneth/hobby with at least a squad of Thralls and possibly a HQ unit like the tidecaster or soul render.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Came in the post today! I'm off for a wedding this weekend but i'll try and make a start after that.
Yes it very much is, Just a husband and wife team creating it, so nice to give them some support too.
Hello Folks, Not been about for a bit, but I've been given some motivation by a new game (to me) called Burrows & Badgers. Hopefully get my first...
Love all your stuff dude, a lot of heart and soul going into all this.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Due to the new killteam announcement I have been forced to reform Da Kommitte, the red gobbo will rise again!
So I randomly got another email about tracking for a wet palette and now I have two. Pretty sure I only ordered the one but extremely paranoid...