[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Almost complete armiger/grasshopper/crotchbot the destroyer.
[ATTACH] Enough weirdy beardy for one day.
[ATTACH] Spent a few hours on this guy today but feels nowhere near finished. I thought necrons were the easy ones?!
Yeah he's quite a chunky boy, a lot of it is the flying beetle thingy though.
Have to see if I can find out my big ol' savage Lizardman then :)
Oh I missed this, I'm guessing a 3rd party lizardman would be ok still?
Necron cryptek enjoying the bracing weather. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] How about like this rather than a copy/paste?
I can see them on both. Weird!
More the Ad Mech side but I've never painted a necron either so I'll have some fun with those :)
That's weird as obviously some people can see it? Aaaaanyway I might have ordered Forgebane and I've got my eyes on those new fishy elves that got...
[IMG] My Cultists captured some sort of Eldar artefact yesterday, Dave wanted to flick the switch but Gene said no.
I have painted three things in February! That's good going for me :)...
Yeah I've thought about doing that too! I've got the ones from Overkill already but i'd quite like some alternatives.
[ATTACH] All done for now! Not my best work but probably my fastest to a decent outcome. Need to build up an aberrant and paint some acolytes...
[IMG] couple of hours progress on two friends for Gene, just seen the Necromunda rules for GC so gave me a bit of inspiration to get more done.
Done upto FITWD standard. Now for the other 12 or so... [ATTACH]
I have done a model. That is good progress for me lately!
[IMG] Calling him done for now - still can't get my photos to show the colours quite right, but also can't find my light box! happy with it in...
I've done a little more since those pictures but I think the colours are a bit more true here.[ATTACH]