More Troupes.... these guys are a pain to paint. [ATTACH]
A couple more done, more to come of both armies. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
A few more Ultramarines done. [ATTACH]
No idea lol, that's how she wanted it. Bright at the bottom fading darker to yellow.
Custom made piece my client wanted done called Trixie. D&D fig. [ATTACH]
Shadowseer painted to a Riddler theme. [ATTACH]
Voidweaver! [ATTACH]
A Joker themed Death Warden? Why not? :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Thanks Warden!
The Lord of Change, Bromstone Horrors, and Ripperdactyls are all mine! Wahaha. The Space Marines are commissioned. Going to have more Space...
A couple more :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
A few rippers I finally finished. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Weird... I just forlike 12 email froms Lustria saying someone has written in this thread. Then tried to upload a pic... and it works! Must have...
Finally able to post! Haven't been able to load pictures! Finally some Seraphon too! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I've even tried uploading pics that I have done in the past and those dont work either.
Im trying to add a pic to the fine art gallery and add a few pics on my thread. Both places just gets the loading sign with no further progression...
Still not working.
I upload all my pics as thumbnails,.... not sure if that makes a difference on file total.
These are jpg files and the resolution is fine. I've posted a ton of pictures on one of my threads, havent had this problem before.
I haven't loaded a pic in over a week. I've tried yesterday as well as today and haven't had any luck. The file size is much smaller then max. I...