My latest one. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Three more done! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Proteus done! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Nothing to major here... its called "Raek." [ATTACH]
Thanks, I need to work on the picture... to many shadows.
Hope you all like it! [ATTACH]
Finally done!! [ATTACH]
Thanks! I'm happy the blue turned out nice, it was a lot of mixing and blending. I used the Scale 75 blue paint set, it comes out really nice and...
Almost done with this guy! [ATTACH]
u tha man!
ah got it thanks!
Anyone know how may points the Dread saurian is worth? Not seeing it in the Generals handbook. Thanks!
Hey Bowser I'm thinking about bringing these rippers into a game Saturday. Just to clarify because its been sometime.... If a Ripper scores a hit...
Thanks, yes it was a lot of layers. Still need to do the edge highlights. I was really hoping to knock this model out and a Bastiladon on my break...
I feel its one of those, love it or hate it, type deals lol
Let me know what you all think so far. Next Level Painting did one that one dark blue with a green face. I like the idea, so I did min red with a...
Hahah Ok cool. First face with one horn is not attached , I did it to paint it easier. Its a different color from the rest of the model. I think...
Ok I know I said I would just be posting finished pics but check this guy out. For my personal collection :) [ATTACH] Hoping to paint some...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] A few more models I got finished!
Ravagore: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]