I agree, the sculpt is overall really wonderful, but there are some parts where I'm like "Really?" Specifically, the back of the large snake...
So tired But everything but the figures is done I think! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My WIP on the kroak pallaquin. [ATTACH] The banner on top is considered done, though maybe I should do something more with the feathers? I'm...
Absolutely amazing work and a real inspiration to me.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the kind words. If anyone has suggestions on anything please do. I'm trying to learn to highlight better, but...
It took ages, but I finally completed my Skink Cavalry unit. Using Claybeast Creations mounts from their skink cav, and then applying One Page...
I think it was primed white, then dry brushed army paint poison green, then given a green stuff world aether blue ink wash... very dilluted. Then...
So with that update... here is what I still need to paint... (Sigh lol) 20 Temple Guard 20 Saurus 1 Giant Ceratops with Engine of the Gods Lord...
It's been far too long! And I have been lax on updating this page! That being said, I have not been entirely idle. First up, the Nebulodon by...
I apparently forgot to update that I've finished some Chameleon Skinks from Claybeast Creations! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
From Clay Beast Creations (3d Printed) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] I'm surprised no one mentioned Lost Kingdom Miniatures. I went with them, but hybridized with OPR tail and heads. Quite happy with the...
I did a little more reading today, and the idea that there is a gap of medium carnivores really only starts in the Cretaceous. Prior, in the late...
Small side-note, there are some fun theories that for very large therapods, adolescent family members actively pursued prey into pre-set ambush...
Not much of the month left ... and I've done a lot this month already... BUT To Do 1) Airbrush base colors for my Skink Cav Done! 2) Paint...
These are very very well done, and I'm deeply disturbed at how quickly you did them lol
You sir, have much more patience than I do!
I too am looking forward to perhaps never seeing what you end up painting :()