Meh, it's not like the hobbit goes super heavy on fantasy races either. At least not as factions. In general, the lotr/hobbit stuff is pretty...
In fairness, LoTR is generally rather human & Orc focused. Everyone else is kind of secondary to them.
Imho, what they should do is sell generic bits and pieces, themed either around grand allegiance or around realms, that can be configured in many...
Generalized as in it can be used to build a fortress/city/farm/whatever and fill a (chunk of a) table. So generic buildings basicly. Houses,...
Honestly, just getting generalized terrain and scaling back faction terrain in general wouldn't be terrible :p
That's not faction terrain though. That's warcry :p. Anyways, the faction terrain looks cool. But they're all disconnected one-off pieces. You...
I thought the LoTR terrain did pretty well. Those Rohan houses seem to be pretty popular as far as I can tell. Plenty of "normal"people who post...
Even so, 40K also manages to have plenty of terrain and it's not like the mission packs feature more terrain. The LoTR game also has a lot of...
There isn't any actual terrain left for AoS is there? It's all just faction terrain now right? And maybe some warcry terrain. But nothing more...
The terrain is nice I suppose. It's generic enough that you can use it for other things. Which has actually been one of my greatest dislikes of...
Isn't there one specific house of vampires themed around snakes? This isn't the first one to have some.
The thing that's throwing me off is that all the other tomes have 1 guy square in the foreground, busy looking cool. And so far, it's usually a...
I just looked up some other pictures, seems like this picture makes his face look particularly wonky. Looking at other pictures, with different...
That guy has a rather odd face
On the one hand, cool models. On the other hand, why do they keep giving undeath so freaking many releases. Didn't they just get a major update?
I think it's a bunch of goblins hiding in a troll skin, similar to the squig in this warband. The thing on his back appears to be a goblin falling...
Yeah, but isn't it going to just fall over without a frame to hold the paper up? And I'm not sure how to make a frame that I can actually store...
The issue is that I need to be able to store it conveniently. I don't have the space to just leave it up the entire time. Creating a permanent...
The room is pretty well ventilated, with some big windows that can be opened to air it out. Plus, I'm not planning to paint 100's of models at...
Honestly, not entirely sure. Mostly I still want to try find a solution where I use the spray can though.