My airbrush doesn't really have the capacity to undercoat models in bulk. Undercoating 20-30 models with it would be a pain.
I used to do it on the balcony in my old place cuz it was sheltered from the rain and wind. But now I have a garden, so I've lost my shelter, and...
Anyone have any good setups for undercoating indoors? I've moved and am finally getting around to setting things up properly. Basic painting &...
It's a bit of a hyperbole, but also not entirely as the skinks can't actually interact with anything beyond physically being in the way due to...
Even for tournaments GW could do more. It's not that hard to create a balanced/symmetrical/generic field with some natural chokepoints to fight...
Not just a narrative meaning, you can actually give them a meaningfull gameplay impact in that way. Instead of holding an arbitrary circle, hold a...
They've gone too heavy on objectives, and general game-y mechanics, for 4th. Adding more game-y mechanics like giving underdog while you're behind...
Meh, it's less that everything is "viable" for Idoneth, and more that there is just less overlap, with more distinct roles between units. So even...
It doesn't help to have a larger faction where half the units don't match with the intended playstyle, but the problem isn't just limited to the...
AoS in general seems to suffer from factions revolving around fairly spammy-lists with the same handfull of units being constantly used. But yeah,...
I think that is mostly due to it being quite old and being part of an RTS game. They don't have enough pixels and polygons to really make...
In fairness, Warcraft did rip off warhammer/was originally supposed to be warhammer. Anyways; I think it's the lionhead on his giant pauldron....
Orks getting terrain and endless spells is nice I guess. Maybe we'll also get some at some point.
Honestly not sure what to think of these. They're neat models, and obviously the concept of wolf-riding goblins isn't anything new in warhammer,...
I think it's probably the combination of a potential backlash, plus kislev and cathay being relativly low priority anyway, as they already have 2...
Sure, they are probably aware that different groups exist, but they're not going to distinguish the various cultural differences. Especially since...
As if the average person is going to make a distinction between the various slavic groups. Especially in the UK/USA. Maybe the overreliance on...
Cuz every company wants perpetual hype & marketing (and consequently, perpetual sales)
I knew that one would be popular on here :p
Honestly, the weirdest thing about all this is that we do get armoured lizards in some official artwork:[SPOILER] But when it's translated into a...